Hi, I'm

Joel Filho

Software Engineer Junior I @ D2Ti Soluções Integradas LTDA

Full Stack Developer


I'm a full stack developer and passionate about Machine Learning and stuffs.


São Luís, MA - Brazil

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UFMA - Federal University of Maranhão

April 2022 - Present

Bachelor's in Computer Science

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ícone do html
ícone do css
ícone do javascript
ícone do sass
ícone do vue
ícone do Python
ícone do PyTorch
ícone do java
ícone do spring
ícone do typescript
ícone do mysql
ícone do aws
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Applied Computing Group NCA - UFMA

Worked with on the detection of cancer cells in Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) images using deep learning.The objective is to improve the diagnosis and treatment
of cancer, enabling an accurate and early detection of malignant cells

Sep 2022 - Jan 2023

Software Engineer Junior I

D2Ti Soluções Integradas LTDA

Developing Private & Public Applications directly for the
Department of Finance of Piauí (SEFAZ PI)
with Vue.js (Nuxt.js), Vuetify & Typescript

Jun 2023 - Present

Software Engineer Intern

D2Ti Soluções Integradas LTDA

Performed Unit and Integration Tests and to do maintance
on already developed web applications for Department
of Finance of Piauí (SEFAZ-PI)

Dec 2022 - Jun 2023

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